Family Tree Mediation





10 Ways Mediation Helps

  1. By creating and holding a caring, attentive and inquiring communication space where all can feel equally respected, free and encouraged to speak their truth in a confidential setting;
  2. By facilitating a multi-party communication process aimed at giving each family member deeper satisfaction that he or she really has been heard and understood;
  3. By identifying and distinguishing between the different positions held by respective family members and the core needs those positions are intended to satisfy;
  4. By facilitating exploration of each others’ core needs as a means for creating more opportunity for creative solutions that address the diverse range of interests represented among the whole family;
  5. By identifying and discussing different standards and processes for evaluating the merit of proposed solutions;
  6. By helping the family apply those standards as a means of coming to and refining an agreement on a plan for addressing the issues at hand;
  7. By facilitating the development of a plan for implementing the solutions agreed upon;
  8. By assisting the family in formalizing the agreement;
  9. By fostering an environment in which family members have the opportunity to heal old wounds, apologize for any past wrongs or regrets, and overcome childhood or other patterns that no longer serve a useful purpose;
  10. And by creating an opportunity for training and practice in more constructive communication patterns that will serve the family well when faced with other difficult issues in the future.

Advantages of Mediation

More Durable and Reliable Solutions: Mediation provides a safe and attentive space and process for each side to hear from the other the difficult things that often go unspoken in unmediated negotiations and that often are essential to reaching a wise and durable agreement. 

Party Control over Process and Outcome: In mediation the parties control whether they reach agreement and what its terms will be.  The parties are less likely to support the terms of a court-ordered solution they did not agree to or help craft. 

Bad Behavior Discouraged: As a collaborative process, mediation discourages bad behaviors common in litigation, such as concealing information, overstating one’s position, and causing the other side needless expense. 

Empowered by Personal Sense of Fairness: In mediation the parties can make their personal sense of fairness the most important factor determining the terms of their agreement.  In court, they are at the mercy of how the judge interpretats the law.

Establishes New Patterns for the Future: The mediator helps participants let go of unconstructive communication patterns in exchange for healthier patterns that can improve the family's ability to handle future problems.

Economical, Efficient and More Satisfying: In litigation, one risks increasing animosity in a drawn-out fight costing more in attorney fees than is in dispute.  Mediation, by contrast, often achieves mutually agreeable outcomes far more quickly at far less cost while helping heal old wounds.

Proactive Opportunities: Mediation may be used proactively to help parties better understand each other and so craft a creative agreement that will serve as a strong foundation for the future of their relationship. It is far better to talk about a conflict now than to live it later.

Hank Edson Family Tree Mediation 72dpiHank Edson, J.D. 

Proprietor of Family Tree Mediation
Serving Redwood City, Atherton, Menlo Park, 
Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos 
and the wider Peninsula & San Francisco Bay Area. 

CALL: (650) 762-8733